发布时间:2016-01-19 浏览次数:5696 文章来源:
规格: 2008年。模块化系统,长65厘米,宽65厘米,高30厘米。可持续材料、能源获取机制、软件和嵌入式电子产品。产生25瓦特/模块。安装在俱乐部瓦特,鹿特丹。
客户: 可持续舞蹈俱乐部,鹿特丹问。
SUSTAINABLE DANCE FLOOR is the interactive dance floor which generates electricity through the act of dancing. Studio Roosegaarde created the design and interaction of the first Sustainable Dance Floor.
We believe sustainability is about doing more, instead of less. Via smart technologies a sensual and interactive environment is created in which dancers are engaged with the sustainable experience.
2008. Modular system, length 65 cm, width 65 cm, height 30 cm. Sustainable materials, energy harvesting mechanism, software and embedded electronics. Produces up to 25 Watts per module. Installed in Club WATT, Rotterdam, NL.
Sustainable Dance Club, Rotterdam NL.